Bisnet UK Ltd.

Dear Partners/ Telco's.
Please be aware of the company named Bisnet UK Ltd from the United Kingdom.
This company copied all documents from an actual/ real company called Bistech Uk Ltd, and used their financial documents and company profile.
For credit checks they used fake email addresses registered in the U.K. They also sent false payments statements of 12k USD from HSBC and cheated our company for the total sum of 12,337k USD.
The number they have given as their main number doesn't work and the second number they provided just keeps going to voicemail, but no one ever answers or returns your call.
Please look our for the following information provided to us by this company Bisnet UK Ltd.
Bisnet Contact is:
Gary Jones
Skype: Gary.bisnet
cell:44151 329 0625
Rob Smith
cell:44151 329 0623
Noc contact
Other contacts provided:;;
Ip: /
False Financial Info given:
> D-U-N-S
Number: 23-719-7889
CRO Registration Number : 3714475
Line of Business : telecommunications
If you are contacted by them for an interconnect/ for working do not start business with them.
Please provide any details if you know any information regarding this fraudulent company, other than the contact information provide above^ by us.
Many thanks.
Kind regards,  Axistel.