Blazon Solutions

Dear Partners,

Please be aware of Blazon Solutions.

This company owes us a total amount of USD 3800$ for CC traffic and they are not paying since last 6 months. We even tried to netoff the outstanding balance, but all their routes are 100% FAS, so still unable to recover our funds. They took CL and after 2 - 3 payments they hold funds and never pay.
All billing notifications sent to this company weekly till now have been ignored by them and telephone numbers could not be reached out. They blocked us on Whatsapp, also they left Skype group.

We'd trusted them and waited very long time, but always no result and no accuracy info from them. Their routes didn't work well, so we couldn't send traffic.
We are in the process of preparing legal action against Blazon Solutions in order to recover the money owed to us. If they will pay it in full, we will inform everyone the same and request for this complaint to be removed.

Please do be careful doing business with Blazon Solutions.

Toptel Commercial